Saturday 17 March 2018

nO. I m nOt tAlkiNg to mYsElF
BecoZ i M CraZy.
i M taLkiNg to mySelF
beCauSe it'S tHe onLy
inTelligEnt cOnvErsaTion
I cAn geT aRouNd
hEre soMetiMes.

Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone.

Enjoy the beauty of a sunset and enjoy nature's farewell kiss for the night.

Comparing yourself to another is an insult to who YOU ARE.

It’s an insult to who you’re going to be.
You are better than that.
You are UNIQUE – and that will ALWAYS be your greatest power, that will always be what separates you from the rest.
So be YOU. Focus on YOU. Focus on growing you. Developing you. Mastering our strengths. WINNING YOUR OWN RACE.
If others win their race, great. WE ARE ALL HERE TO WIN! And the moment you support others, support will come back to you.
Don’t go out to prove them wrong.
Get out there and prove yourself right!

Everyone is different and everyone can WIN!
You will never win if you have your eyes on another person.

You win your race by focusing on your own finish line.
You win in life by being happy for others winning their race, and you giving your heart and soul to win your own race
It’s you vs you. The battle is won or lost in your own mind.
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.